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According to tales, Funny Sister drifted in the turbulent waters of the ocean also for a few days, although Sister did not know exactly how long because her chest was tightly closed and only a little air was falling through very small gaps ..Join the Rhino Family To Unravel The Adventure and you might be the lucky winner of our gadget giveaway



Long, long time ago or maybe not so long. Very far away, or perhaps very close, lived Rhinoceros Family. Members of Family was head of it Grate Father, best of all wife and Lovely Mother, the oldest son, always know everything better - Big Brother, middle, crazy and so easy going sister - Funny Sister and the youngest of all family BabyOne.

Their life was peaceful, it ran very slowly, full of happiness and family rapture in best place on the World. Until one time, when Grate Father went to bring food for a special weekly big family dinner, poachers showed up at the family's house. They kidnapped Big Brother, Funny Sister and BabyOne. Even though the Mother struggled, she had no chance to protect her children on her own.

Minting: December 7th, 4pm UTC

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